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· Reliable Website Hosting
· Quality Website Design

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Hosting Plans

Pay for Website Hosting by the Month or by the Year, you choose. The following are the hosting plans we offer and the features included with our plans. Take a look and decide what plan would be best for you. If you require more information on plans, rates and features feel free to contact us.

On this website use the PayPal® secure server for all credit card transactions
read this
  1. Read the Terms & Conditions
  2. If you wish to register a new domain name first do a WHOIS lookup to see if the name is available.
  3. A separate invoice for $20.00 will be issued if domain registration is required or you can do the registration yourself by going to GoDaddy.com
  4. All hosting plans are billed in US funds.

Level 2 Hosting Level 3 Hosting
Monthly / Yearly Level 1 Level 2 Level 3
Monthly Rate
Billed Yearly
$9.95 $19.95 $29.95
Monthly Rate
Billed Monthly
  $22.00 $32.00

Plan Details

Disk Space 100 MB 200 MB 400 MB
Monthly Traffic 500 MB 1000 MB 2000 MB
Pop Mailboxes 5 10 20
Spam Blocking System
Email Forwarding
Email Aliases
FrontPage & FTP - 24/7
Server Extensions
Daily backups
Mirrored Volumes
Firewall Secured Servers
Standby Power Backup
CGI Scripts  
Active Perl 5.8.4  
PHP 5.0.2  
MS Access Database  
SQL Server 2000    
MS .NET Framework  

All prices are in US Dollars
Our hosting service runs on MS Server
Additional Services
Additional Disk Space $1 per 5MB
Additional Traffic $10 per GB
Additional Pop Mailboxes $2 per Month
Tech Support via Email or Phone Free
(no collect calls please)

Website Design:

Websites have to be functional, visually inviting, deliver the information required and not take forever to load. They should also provide the means for your visitors and/or prospective clients to make contact and do business with your company.

Check out our Website Design Samples...

Graphic Design:

When designing graphics for a website it's important to balance quality with fast loading time. What does this mean? Well of course low quality images will detract from the look of your Website however if the images are very high quality or very large in dimension they take much longer to load and your visitors will probably leave before finding what they're looking for.

Check out our Graphics Design Samples...

 Hosting Service: Information or Requests


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